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Top Recruiters

The Top Recruiters page of the website gives you information about the top companies and the recuiters during the placement procedure. It is accesible through the Home Page of the TNP Website.

Adding Marquee component to the page

*Steps to add a Marquee Component:

  1. Opening LogosMarquee.tsx file in our projects root directory.

  2. A functional component called LogosMarquee and this component accepts two props: data and oppDirection.

    const LogosMarquee: React.FC<{
    data: { imgUrl: string; name: string }[];
    oppDirection?: boolean | false;
    }> = ({ data, oppDirection })
  3. The Marquee component accepts two props: direction specifies the direction of the marquee animation. If oppDirection is true, the direction is set to "right", otherwise, it is set to "left", speed specifies the speed of the marquee animation.

    <Marquee  direction={oppDirection ? "right" : "left"} speed={30}>
  4. The data prop is an array of objects, where each object has two properties: imgUrl (string) and name (string). The mapping iterates over each object in the data array and generates an <img> element for each logo image. The key prop is set to the name property for efficient rendering.

    // Other part of section
    return (
    <Marquee direction={oppDirection ? "right" : "left"} speed={30}>
    { => (
    className="h-8 object-contain"
  5. Save the changes.

  6. Run yarn dev on the terminal to see the changes made in your local environment.

Adding Logo and Content

Here's how we added logo and content of the company in the Top Recruiters section

  1. Opening index.astro in the 'Top Recruiters` component file in our projects root directory.

  2. An array called data, which contains multiple objects representing different logos. Each object has two properties: name (the name of the company) and imgUrl (the URL of the company's logo image).

    const data = [
    name: "Accenture",
    // Repeated multiple times in a marquee
  3. This div element contains a text section with information about top recruiters. The text can be added added or edited from this section.

    <div class="flex flex-col mt-4 flex-initial xl:w-1/2 md:w-1/2 sm:w-full">
    <div class="m-8">
    <p class="text-3xl font-title pb-4">Top Recruiters</p>
    <p class="text-slate-700 font-Inter">
    TCET has an enviable record in placement of students. The institute has been accredited by major companies like Infosys, Tata Consultancy Services, iGATE, and Tech mahindra, etc.
  4. The four LogosMarquee components are rendered within the carousel container. They are responsible for displaying the marquee of logos. Each LogosMarquee component receives the data prop, which is set to the data array defined earlier.

    <LogosMarquee client:only="react" data={data} />
    <LogosMarquee client:only="react" data={data} oppDirection />
    <LogosMarquee client:only="react" data={data} />
    <LogosMarquee client:only="react" data={data} oppDirection />
  5. Save the changes.

  6. Run yarn dev on the terminal to see the changes made in your local environment.

On executing the above steps, the individual cards look like this:

After successfully implementing the Top Recruiters component of the TNP (Training and Placement) website, the next step is to move forward with the implementation of the About Us component.